Hello all:)
Darci and I would like first of all to invite you to view our new web page.
(Well, actually it's Pooh's page).  The page is fairly basic, as we don't
have a lot of pictures of our little angle, but we did decide to do
something we thought would be knindof neat!  On one of the pages we decided
to put a "ferrets only" chat room. O;o)  Just another forum for all of us
owned by ferrets to get together and chat and learn(I hope) I will be
putting the addresses at the end of this post.
Secondly, we just wanted to thank everyone who replied and supported out
endevour to learn more about breeding fuzzbuts:o)  It's really great to
have a place like this to learn and laugh.  As an update on our "breeding"
plans, we have decided that breeding will be something we may be intrested
in, but not for a long time yet.
Oh, and Pooh is doing great.  Thanks again for all the help in regards to
"peopleizing" her and with the nipping problem.  I am happy to announce
that she has stopped nipping considerable in just over a week!!!
(Impressive huh?hehe)
Anyway, be sure to stop by and see our newest addition to our online
adventures.  I will be puting up a guest book and counter soon.  If anyone
knows where we can get good counters and a good guest book, let us know.
Thanks again, and I'm sure we will be talking again soon:o)
Darci, Darcy and Pooh(I love my new page)
http://members.xoom.com/saltnpepp/ for Pooh's home page
http://members.xoom.com/saltnpepp/index2.htm for Pooh's links and chat
PS Hope to see you there!
[Posted in FML issue 2524]