ANA, beloved ferret, age 2+, of Jacksonville, FL passed away on Friday,
December 11, 1998 after a brief illness.  ANA (a/k/a "Peepers") was raised
by a private breeder in rural Arcadia, FL, and was one of the 59 ferrets
rescued on December 17, 1997 as part of OPERATION S.A.F.E., coordinated
through the Northeast Florida Branch of South Florida Ferret Club and
Rescue, Inc.
ANA was the beloved adopted fur-child of PLASHETTE and GREG CASSARELLA.
She is also survived by other children of fur of the Cassarella family: Two
fellow Arcadia ferret "brothers", PANDA and LIGHTNING, as well as FUZZY,
Ana's biological daughter; two MF ferrets, sister and brother, CINNAMON and
COORS; rescue ferret brother, KLONDIKE; as well as canine siblings, SPIKEY
and SISSY.
ANA's illness started with general lethargy and an enlarged spleen about
two weeks ago; yet she continued to have a strong appetite throughout.
Various bloodwork, x-rays, fecals were inconclusive except for giardia.
ANA was being treated for obvious anemia and the giardia was soon
eradicated with Flagyl; unfortunately, she showed no signs of improvement
in her activity level.
On the afternoon of ANA's passing, additional bloodwork indicated a
deteriorating condition and immediate exploratory surgery was recommended.
Her very special ferret vet, JOHN ROSSI, DVM, of RIVERSIDE ANIMAL HOSPITAL
(Jacksonville, FL) cleared his afternoon schedule in order to perform
emergency surgery.  A biopsy was taken of a somewhat abnormal looking (and
still enlarged) spleen, but a full recovery was anticipated following the
successful removal of a Left adrenal tumor (of which she had showed NO
outward symptoms).  ANA never fully reawakened following anesthesia and
although life-saving measures had been instituted, she was unable to
respond and gently passed away.
Cremation arrangements are being handled by Donna Benoit, of PET CREMATION
SERVICES OF FLORIDA.  Miss ANA's remains will be returned to her beloved
family thereafter.  Her Spirit was escorted to The Rainbow Bridge by her
recently desceased Ferret Guardian Angel, "QUINCY".  ANA-BANANA's energetic
"cluck-clucking" vocalizations will be greatly missed by her entire family
as will her physical presence at what was to have been ANA's very first
Christmas at home with a loving family.
Unfortunately, we believe ANA is the first of the OPERATION S.A.F.E.
(Arcadia) rescues to pass away (please visit to
read and view photos of this major rescue).  Donations in ANA's memory can
be made to the local ferret shelter of your choice.  Condolences may be
sent to the family at email address: [log in to unmask] or snail mail
c/o: Barbara Ludt, NE Florida Branch/Ferret Rescue, P.O.  Box 984, Penney
Farms, FL 32079-0984.
[Posted in FML issue 2524]