Most shelters are acting in the best interests of the ferrets.  If we
find a shelter in bad condition it is up to us to do something about it.
If this means calling animal control then do so.  Most SPCA's will not
euthanize animals if they do not have to.  Talk to the ferret peolpe in
your area to see if they are willing to help foster these ferrets if
necessary.  Most will be willing to help.  We as responsible ferret
keepers need to police ourselves.  If you leave ferrets living in horrible
conditions, then you are no better than the person running the shelter.
There are many shelters doing the right thing, as for the ones that are
not SHUT THEM DOWN.  Now lets talk about breeders.  There is no money in
breeding.  Responsible breeding is time consuming and expensive(emergency
spays "C" sections, etc.).  You never make your money back.  Breeding and
sheltering is not for everyone.  If you cannot afford the cost don't do
either.  Responsible breeders are very careful in there habits.
Responsible breeders do not ship kits nor do adopt kits to just anyone.
They are also prepared to raise kits that are not adoptable.  They promote
education and responsible ownership.  If you knowingly purchase a ferret
from an irresponsible breeder then you are promoting bad breeding habits.
We need to educate ourselves and the public.  If we as
owners/breeders/shelters standby and allow this to continue, we get what we
deserve.  Ultimately the ones who suffer the greatest are the ferrets.  Is
this what we want?  No one person has all the answers but, if we all pull
together and stop all of the arguing, we can accomplish anything.  The
cop-out "I'm only one person" just doesn't cut it anymore.  Think about it.
[Posted in FML issue 2523]