"Michael F. Janke" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I think it's a pretty good bet that if he bites through a wire carrying
>220 volts, he'll die.
Surprisingly, not all do, but it's always very unpleasant.  But yes, it's
the expected outcome.
I've never had lots of power cords around, but I've always been lucky in
that the ferrets living with me have had very little interest in them.  I'd
never dare install one made of rubber, as that's a sure way of getting them
to bite on it.
Spiral cords to phones and keyboards, that's another matter.  They never
leave them alone.
 Urban Fredriksson  [log in to unmask]       Ferret diary, info, photos:
                                                        Updated Nov 24
[Posted in FML issue 2510]