>From:  William Killian - Zen and the Art of Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: zen again...
>From:    Alicia K Drakiotes <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Anon re: ferret shelters!
>Breeding in NH is not a shelter issue-- I know of no shelters who breed
>animals-- that is what breed rescues do--
>Really?  Then you need to set straight the folks saying you've started
>dabbling in it.
Well, Bill, I think it's time to set *you* straight.  Ferret Wise shelter
does *NOT* breed animals.  Ferret Wise shelter does NOT consist solely of
Alicia Drakiotes.  Ferret Wise has a board of directors, of which I am a
member.  And I can assure you we do NOT breed the animals that come into
our shelter.  That is not in our charter.  We provide care for critically
injured and abused ferrets and we provide education to the community on y
the care of the domestic ferret as a companion animal.
If Alicia (or anyone else on the board or anyone else that works for a
shelter for that matter) wishes to breed ferrets in their spare time that's
their own business.  Those animals are not shelter animals and they are not
taken into our shelter.
A "breed rescue" is indeed a very specific type of organization.  Granted
you don't see them often in the ferret community, but they are very common
and quite popular in the canine and feline community.  They have a place
and serve a purpose, allowing those who want a specific type of animal the
opportunity to adopt.
Your position is kind of like saying a mortgage lender shouldn't volunteer
at a homeless shelter.  Alicia owes no one any explanation about what she
chooses to do with her spare time unless she chooses to give it.  Her
statements about what Ferret Wise does are correct.  What people do when
they are not volunteering is their business.  We're just very lucky to have
the volunteers.
[Posted in FML issue 2522]