Dear Miss Marsh,
If you by chance are reading the FML for support, I wish you the best and
hope that you feel and accept comfort from your remaining fur kids.
To everyone else involved in this issue, has anyone called Dateline, Today
Show, or any other television media about this issue.  It seems to me that
this case is clearly a hate crime, and instead of a human victim, a ferret
victim suffered for it.
In Wyoming a kind college boy lost his life, now in Utah a ferret life has
been snubbed cruelly because of this kind of hatred!!  If someone has any
influence on television media coverage PLEASE do a story.  I would be
willing also to try and pique some interest in doing a story if I had
addresses or names of people.  Someone on this list must work for one of
these kinds of shows or even the network.  LET"S SEE THIS ISSUE AIRED!
Cherie Schultz.
[Posted in FML issue 2484]