Thank you for your groans last time,Jasmine says she heard you,and we all
know Jasmine never lies.' Did you take my socks Jasmine?  What do you mean,
moi?' Sam we are sending go home thought waves out to your baby.Sure hope
she comes home soon.Have you tried reward posters up around the
neighborhood?  Here we go.You might be a ferret owner if:
you don't have a single pair of pantyhose without claw holes.
you have to sort through your laundry to make sure your pet isn't fluff
you open doors slowly,so you don't smear ' the present ' across the whole
your corners are decorated with newspapers or some other absorbent
food magically appears in strange places.
nose kisses become much more important in your life.
your pet is contributing to archaeological digs of the future.
cold,wet secrets in your ear make you smile.
eating cereal in your house has become a challenge.
dirt is a great toy for your pet.
Hug those fuzzbutts,for they are gods gift to make us laugh.
Sandy(Native American name,She Who Cleans Poop)
Valentine(Raisin Begger)
Jasmine(She Who Carries Love in Eyes)
Taz(Lip Kisser)
[Posted in FML issue 2500]