Hi Folks!
We just wanted to clear up some confusion about our new Tater and Odie's
Joy to the World!  Ferret Ring.
Quite a few folks has writ to us wantin' to join up but they didn't have no
page to add to the Ring.  Well, our Ring ain't a mailin' list.  We tried
that a few years ago and it turned Paw Paw's beard white overnite tryin' to
keep up with it.  We'll be dookin' happy to help folks set up a page if
they needs some help, so drop us a nice email at [log in to unmask] and
we'll see what we can do.  We can't make no guarantees, but we'll do what
we cans.
If'n you ain't gots a clue what we is talkin' about, drop by Paw Paw's and
our homepage at http://members.aol.com/emssandy/personal.htm.  Or you can
sign up at /ring.htm.
Thanks to the folks who has joined up so far.  We thinks we is all gonna
have some major good fun with this Ring thingy.
We sure is glad to see that Carol and Lobo has joined the FML again.  We
sure has been missin' their posts!
Many much loves to all the good ferts and fert folks out there. Joy to the
Tater and Odie
[Posted in FML issue 2497]