We have bad news,
yesterday we went with Diablo to a vet that his specialized in ferrets
because of his lower fang that was growing out of his mouth and the fact
that he seemed to be sleeping all the time and without energy.  It turns
out that I hadn't noticed that his jaw was deformed.  His lower left jaw
was growing faster then the rest of his jaw.  So it was very painful for
him to eat since all of his left lower teeth weren't aligned with the rest
of his jaw, and also because his lower left fang was poking him in the nose
and the lip.  That, added to the fact that he had a prolapsed rectum and
the fact that at 3 months and 1 week old his weight was 180 g., which I
didn't know if it was normal due to the fact that he was the first ferret
we had, and the fact that he was starting to vomit didn't give us a lot of
choices.  It was either, go throught x-rays, which he had to be put under
to be done, and then an operation to restore his jaw, and then dentist
treatments for his teeth, all of which could've grown easily to 600$-700$
and of which he had slim chances of surviving because of his low energy and
weight, or have him put out of his misery and let him rest in peace.
When you look at the facts, the choice his easy.  When you look in your
heart, it's a whole other story.  As I am writing these words, I am feeling
great sadness.  He was the first pet we got and in those 2 weeks and a half
he was with us our love for him grew a lot.  He was such a good boy.  We
miss you Diablo.  We hope that you can finally play and war dance and do
all that stuff that little ferrets do in ferret heaven.
So that is the sad part.  But there is always a good side to a story, as
sad as the bad side can be, and here it is.  We went to the pet store were
we bought Diablo and with a letter from the vet they let us choose another
one wich they had received on the 11th.  The little guy is a sable male
with a brown collar and at 7 and a half weeks old, already twice the size
that Diablo was.  He his also very, very playful.  He seems to be in
perfect health but needless to say, we are going to the vet tonight with
him to have him checked out.  We haven't given him a name yet but hopefully
by tomorrow we'll have one for him.
Thank you for all of you who helped us when we had questions.  This
community his the best thing a person owned by a ferret could have.
Again, thank you.
Hugo & Julie and the little guy
[Posted in FML issue 2497]