Well, it's official guys.  The idiot is out of my life.  He came last night
to pick up his stuff, and after a discussion of what was his and mine...and
a fight over my babies....well, I have no tv, no microwave, no couch....but
all 4 babies stayed with Mom :)  I have never been so happy to sit on the
floor and play with them as I was last night knowing they weren't going
anywhere.  Of course if it had been up to them, they'd have stayed with Mom
too.  That was obvious when they either hid from him, or latched on to him
when he reached down for Chico.  The idiot would have taken them and either
abused them with neglect, improper discipline, or would have sold them.  So
they are safely at home napping and waiting for Mom to come home and cuddle
Despite the emptyness, life is good :)
Marta and MY little angels...Angelina, Sasha, Chico and Nikoali
[Posted in FML issue 2496]