Hello my fellow ferret lover's.
Just wanted to let the person who was kind of leary to order on-line with a
credit card..please dont worry..The Ferret Store is wonderful.  I have been
using them for the past year with not one problem using a credit card..My
order was sent via UPS in three days..Great ferret place great service..
My prayers are always with all who have ill ferrets or are having surgery..
One never knows when it can happen..I am glad I have this FML you all have
always been so kind..( ok usualy)*grin* warm fuzzy kisses,
Bandit,Fatboy and Ratbert and oh yeah their *owner* :)
please visit my web page at: www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/4908
"Don't be afraid to dream..for out of the most fragile dreams come miracles"
[Posted in FML issue 2495]