I've been doing a little more medical research (on Medline) for studies
showing how echinacea can be used to treat ferrets (and humans).  Here are
a few more interesting reports from medical journals which I have found,
which might be of use to someone:
From the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1989 May 3; 81(9)669-75:
"In this study, acidic arabinogalactan, a highly purified polysaccharide
from plant cell cultures of Echinacea purpurea, with a molecular weight of
75,000 was effective in activating macrophages to cytotoxicity against
tumor cells and micro-organisms (Leishmania enriettii).  ... When injected
ip, this agent stimulated macrophages, a finding that may have therapeutic
implications in the defense against tumors and infectious diseases".
From the International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 1997 Jul;
"These results demonstrate the immune stimulatory ability of the unpurified
fresh pressed juice of Echinacea purpurea and offer some insight into the
nature of the resulting immune response as compared to endotoxin".
From the Department of Medicine, U.C. Irvine Medical Center, Orange, CA
(reported in Immunopharmacology 1997 Jan; 35(3): 229-35):
"The extracts of Echinacea purpurea and Panax ginseng enhance cellular
immune function of PBMC both from normal individuals and patients with
depressed cellular immunity".
- Ela
[Posted in FML issue 2495]