Mass Mailings...I have often received in e-mail conversations something
like "I am so far behind in reading the FML" or "I haven't had time to read
them."  Most people will read mail specifically addressed to them.  So a
mailing of an individual item from the FML that needs immediate (in senders
opinion) attention would expedite the action and save the receiver the
"hassle" of reading the all the topics if they are short on time.
Shelter phone numbers...please, if you have only one phone line like I do,
don't let your e-mail program tie it up with a busy signal, unless you have
voice mail so callers can reach you.
Thanks for listening.
[Moderator's note: True only to a point.  If I routinely get large amounts
of email from someone and know this person usually sends repetitive (or
useless!) stuff, you can bet reading that email won't be a particularly
high priority for me.  In fact, many people have told me that reading the
FML is a very efficient use of time -- it's compactly edited, spam-free,
attachment-free and doesn't contain a zillion headers on every message.
As far as forwarding FML posts go, I'd like to remind people to use some
discretion.  Please remember that FML posts are owned by the person writing
them.  Of course, forwarding a post to someone with comments isn't usually
going to be a problem, but we really don't know where the posts you forward
may eventually end up.  It's best to avoid embarrassing situations and legal
threats from the original posters by being cautious to being with.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2495]