Hi!  It's been awhile since I've posted anything on the FML - busy with
ferrets, work, and all that stuff!  Anyway, my sister is looking for a more
ferret-knowledgable vet for her almost 5 year old silver female, Kitty.
She lives in Oklahoma City, and I was wondering if anyone knew of a ferret
friendly vet up there?  She wants to take Kitty in for a more thorough
check up (bloodwork and all that stuff) since she has reached "older"
ferret status.  Any help would be appreciated!  Kitty started life as a
beautiful steely grey silver mitt and has lightened up over the years to
where she almost looks like a dark eyed white.  Really pretty!
Well, gotta go rescue my cross stitch from Arnold and pull Clint off of the
dining room table AGAIN!!!!
Laura G.
Arnold  ( Why aren't you doing a ferret cross stitch?  You should do one
of me!  :^P)
Clint (Hey!  Someone moved the Cookie Crisp bag off the table! Rats!
Foiled again!)
and Ferret Angel Millie
[Posted in FML issue 2494]