The kids were out having run time, and I was alternating between being
in with them, and working on my computer.  (They get to run in my
bedroom/bathroom plus a large carpeted closet; once the kitchen is emptied
of boxes and proofed a bit better, they can play in there, too.)
Grover was having a good old time, but eventually it dawned on me I had
not heard a *sound* out of Onyx in quite some time.  A quick check of the
bedroom door revealed she hadn't escaped (I've got some stuff blocking the
too-large gap under the door).  So I set off on a search for her.  FLO
Headquarters (under the dresser) -- nope.  In the bed -- nope.  In the
clothes baskets -- nope.  In the CD box -- nope.  In the bathtub/under
shower curtain -- nope.  In the cage???  -- no of course not.  Aha, the
So I padded into the dark closet on hands and knees (it's a weird closet,
deeper than wide, and I've got a bookcase in there too) because at the very
back of the closet is a wicker clothes basket behind which is the FLO's
Remote Outpost.
The closet is dark. Very dark. Remember that.
Preparing to pounce (Onyx and I have a pounce game), I got ready and yanked
away the basket -- only to be blasted full in the face by a blinding beam
of dazzling white light!!!  I shrieked and dropped the basket (no, not on
the ferret) and sat down hard on my butt, while Onyx danced around me like
a maniac, laughing her head off.  She'd stolen my flashlight (which up
until then I hadn't missed), hauled it back there, and somehow had turned
it on in the process!  Little maniac!
Oh, and Grover continues to do well, despite the icky flagyl.  He and Onyx
have started to wrestle.  It's so funny... Onyx has turned into a real liar
(besides being a maniac.) She will "Speed Bump"... but it's NOT because
she's bored or lonely.  She speed-bumps only until Grover (or I) becomes
foolish enough to get too close, and then *POUNCE*!!!!  It's like she's
lying in wait for an ambush, in plain sight <g>
Dooks and thanks to everyone who responded to my plaintive wails for ideas
on flagyl-feeding.  I'm going to see if mixing it with heavy cream helps at
(WA-state) Megan, plus
    Grover (Pounce me, will you?! En garde!)
    Onyx (*NO ONE* expects the Ferret Inquisition!!!)
    Cinnebar-the-cat (Why, mom, why???)
    and Sammy-the-straycat (My poops smell bad, but I'm adorable.)
[Posted in FML issue 2493]