Thanks to everyone for their kind words on the ferret soaps for SOS!  I sold
out of my first dozen REALLY fast, and am looking forward to making more.
My next batch will probably all be the same scent (easier ordering procedure
that way), and that scent will probably be ... ahem ..  a scent "inspired"
by a designer fragrance (easier to describe to people that way ...).  I'm
leaning towards Giorgio-, Beautiful-, or White Linen-inspired soaps right
Please be patient with me, though ... it takes a LONG time (not to
mention a lot of Saran Wrap and aluminum foil ...) to make soaps using an
open-bottomed brass cookie cutter as a mold for a molten liquid!  My
maximum output is about a dozen a week, so it's slow going.  I'll post the
moment I get another decent sized batch together, though, and am ready to
ship! :->
- Ela
[Posted in FML issue 2492]