>From:    "Zaske, Cherri" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Regarding Fleas
>Unfortunately, even if your ferrets never go outside if you live in a place
>that has fleas your ferrets will get fleas because you will bring them in
>with you.... When I lived in Florida I had fleas in my house and I didn't
>even have pets.
Fortunately, this is not always true.  I live in Miami and we have a pretty
bad flea problem here due to the year 'round summers.  15 years ago when I
had dogs we battled fleas constantly.  Of course we didn't have Advantage
or Frontline back then.
Now I only have ferrets and two indoor cats.  None of my critters are ever
permitted to touch the ground outside and I have not had one flea in the
past 10 years.  I have a house and I do all my own yard work, and have
never brought a flea inside to my knowledge, and I take no special
precautions nor do I use any sort of treatment on any of the critters.
P.S.  to all reading this... if you haven't considered entering our
shelter's Ferret Photo Contest, please do so!  Winning photos will be
published in Modern Ferret!!  For more info on the contest, go to
For the ferrets,
* Michael F. Janke, [log in to unmask]
* Secretary, South Florida Ferret Club and Rescue, Inc.
* Visit our shelter's web site: http://www.miamiferret.org
* Visit the Adrenal/Insulinoma web site: http://www.miamiferret.org/FHC
[Posted in FML issue 2491]