Hi Everyone,
Well, been trying to get online since around 3 p.m. and finally made it.
It is getting bad using the school server.
Me and my crew are fine.  I managed to go to sleep about half an hour
before it hit and slept through it all.  It was just a few miles from here.
The sirens went off (I have been told, hehe).  A guy in my math class lives
in a house that is the only one not hit on his street.
Actually, I sleep with a cd on repeat that plays storm sounds.  lol.
Probably never entered my brain at all.  The first I heard was when Suzy
in Seattle called me early because she had heard it on her way to work.
But then, I did grow up in Oklahoma and tornados are deriguer there.
The fuzzies were wound up this morning, but otherwise ok.  Natasha went
on a nipping spree, but she does this when she gets overly stimulated and
can't release the anxiety.  So we played chase for a bit and she calmed
William is sending me telepathic messages.  Get woman.  Bring Teriyaki
here.  Need woman.  I think his hormones are really kicking in.  Speaking
of walking fur coats...
I will tell this tail on me.  Catherine decided that William and Harry's
little men parts have not dropped down because my house is as cold as a
meat locker.  She thinks they have their little butts clinched tight in
self preservation.  hmpf.  I like the house in the low to mid 60's.  hehe.
Otherwise, everyone is fine.  But Miss Stella is getting hairy and she
never puts on a winter coat.  I am buying a back hoe.
I may be rather quiet, I have 3 papers, 2 books to read, and an algebra
test before turkey day.  Then I will cook myself and the ferts and cats
and bald poodle a good southern turkey and dressing.
I hope everyone is doing well.
Mo' Mad Maggie and her Musty Mob of Mobsters
[Posted in FML issue 2490]