I have to say I'm seeing some impressive winter coats.  As well as some
serious weight gain!  Its gotten to the point where I'm buying two 30 lb
bags of TF at a time 'cause they are eating, and eating and eating!  Of
course they are pooping and pooping and pooping and with 11, I can change a
few of the most popular boxes every morning and still need to scoop them
before bed.
Not everyone is on the same schedule though, and I've got 2 ferrets that
are still in their summer wear/weight.  They look healthy, but look fairly
skinny when compared to the ones that are bulking up.  Glad they sleep in
the bottom of the pile, because I've not been cranking the heat in the
ferret room.
Oh - and we are going through a tube of laxatone a week with all the hair
that is everywhere!
And as Rob McNish pointed out, my Europeans also seem to be first and best
in seasonal wardrobe changes.  Considering the bag of fine hair I have from
Helga's winter coat last year, and what she is going to leave behind in the
Spring, I might have enough fur to spin into part of a glove this summer!
Anyone on the list want to spin some ferret fur?
I suspect that my ferrets are trying to tell me something.  Perhaps getting
some snow tires might be a plan.  Guess I'm glad that heating oil is as
cheap as its ever been this winter.
and the 11 Junior Meterologists
[Posted in FML issue 2490]