As I recall someone here wanted to follow up on the tv or radio news
mention that ferrets had counted in an earlier study, and said that they
heard a quick report that some psychologists had found that rhesus can
count somewhat in a recent continuation of such studies.  (I can testify
that our ferrets SEEM to know 1,2,3, more (a number larger than 4) and
more-more (a number much larger than 4.) Anyway, for those who trying to
find an actual report on the topic to search back there's an article on
page 296 of Science News, Vol. 154 (Nov. 7th) which talks about a full
report in the Oct. 23 issue of Science, and also how this new work bolsters
the views held in SN: 7/11/98, p 27.  The people whose work you want to
read are psychologist Herbert S. Terrace and his graduate student Elizabeth
M. Brannon at Columbia University; if you can't find what you wan there you
could always go the pers. com. route.  (In rhesus they saw some concept of
1 - 9, BTW.)
[Posted in FML issue 2489]