Hello All,
My first Post to FML.  I also receive FAIML.  I have 11 Pets, 6 of them
being Ferrets.  I just Lost My Ruby Tuesday On October 27, 1998.  Due to
2 Large Gastric Ulcers : (
<A HREF="http://members.tripod.com/~myzoo/RubyTuesday.html">Ruby Tuesday</A>
I was Searching Ferrets & Home Pages when I came across THIS!!!!
<A HREF="http://www.sunspot.net/columnists/data/cowherd/052297cowherd.html">
Pet peeves about ferrets and other so-called pets...</A>
I could not fine the Author, but did send an email to "SunSpot" to request
the author.  I can't understand WHY someone would feel it necessary to
write all of those things.  He has obviously no love for animals!!
Thanks for your time!!
Good luck to all of you & your babies!!
My Sympathies to those whose babies are at Rainbow Bridge.
Ginger, Jerry, Daisy, Sammy, Diana, Berry, Natalie & **RUBY**.
[Moderator's note: Actually, this came up in the past.  FMLs 2418, 2419
for those who want some more commentary about it.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2489]