I tried to get permission from the publisher of Dr. Weiss' insulinoma study
to allow us to post the abstract on a web page, but permission was denied.
I think the results of this study are VERY important to the ferret
community, so I want to spread the word as much as possible.
The results are based on 66 ferrets that were treated by Dr. Weiss.  This
is a post-treatment study, ie, the medical records of the ferrets were
examined after treatment.  There was no strict control group and
experimental group.  Treatment for a given ferret was based on the decision
of the owners.
Of ferrets treated medically only (prednisone and later, diazoxide), the
mean survival time was about 6 months. (Longest survival time, 273 days.)
Of ferrets treated surgically, those that had nodulectomy (removal of
tumorous nodules only), the mean survival time was about 1 1/2 years.
(Longest survival time 846 days and still going.)
Of those treated surgically with partial pancreatectomies (removal of
nodules and 25-50% if the pancreas) the mean survival time was about 2
years.  (Longest survival time 1002 days and still going!)
These results are unequivocal: Surgery is far better than medical treatment.
If your ferret has insulinoma, is a good surgical candidate, and you have
access to an experienced ferret vet, your ferret will benefit from the
You can get a copy of the article by calling the Americal Animal Hospital
Association at 1-800-883-6301.  Get a copy for your vet.  Dr. Weiss is
always willing to talk to vets about treatment and surgical procedures.
His number is (301) 299-4142.
The full citation is "Insulinoma in the Ferret: Clinical Findings and
Treatment Comparison of 66 cases" J Am Anim Hosp Assoc, 1998; 34:471-5.
NOTE: I am not a vet, vet tech or otherwise medically educated.  If I have
misinterpreted anything in the article, I apologize.  I encourage others to
read the article for themselves and post if they have corrections or other
important comments.
Linda Iroff
Raisin Retreat Ferret Shelter
Oberlin, OH
[Posted in FML issue 2488]