STAR* Ferrets has just gotten a larger post office box to accomodate the
amount of newsletter and information requests received.  Please update your
address books and web sites to reflect the new box number.  The old box is
still in effect, but mail should be directed tot he new address as soon as
it is possible.
To receive a listing of ferret shelters, contacts, vets, suppliers,
breeders, clubs, etc., in your state by mail, send a LONG self addressed
stamped envelope to:
STAR* Ferrets
PO Box 1832
Springfield, VA 22151-0832
To review the ENTIRE listing, visit Ferret Central at
Visit STAR* at
E-mail questions, corrections, or additions to: [log in to unmask]
Subscription is $12.00 US ($15.00 for Canada and Mexico, $17.50 overseas)
and you will receive a quarterly newsletter plus inserts, and for an extra
$5.00 you can receive the book _FERRET CARE and RESCUE_, and forms for
caring for ferrets.  Checks or money orders must be from a US bank and in
US funds.
Pamela E. Troutman, Director
[Posted in FML issue 2486]