Hi all,
As I sit here today, gazing out the window while writing this post, I can
see a heavy fog rolling in and what appears to be white stuff coming from
the sky!  I think I'll console myself by eating all the Halloween candy.
On behalf of the Alberta Ferret Society I'd like to invite you to visit our
web page, which our Web Master David Sparks, has been working so hard to
create.   He's doing the learn as you go thing and we're all proud of what
he's accomplished so far.
Be sure to check out our merchandise page.  We have some great items for
sale and if you're a US ferret fan you get a even better deal considering
our Canadian dollar is next to worthless.  :o)
Barb Gustafson (aka Boots)
Alberta Ferret Society
Acting President
You can respond to this e-mail online.
If you have ICQ my ICQ# is 1092229
If you don't have ICQ you can page me through:
* My Personal Communication Center: http://wwp.mirabilis.com/1092229 (go
  there and try it!)
* Or you can send me e-mail to [log in to unmask]
You can download ICQ at http://www.icq.com/
[Posted in FML issue 2480]