>From:    John Hill <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Introducing...
>Mocha: a striped deaf DEW from "Real Canadian Ferrets"  I also got the
>card and certificate as well) with a tattoo that resembles somewhat
>like a reversed "4".
>Soda-Pop: an albino..not sure where he is from...he has a tattoo of a
>clear "M" in his ear.  Anyone knows where he is from?  I know that two
>dots are from Marshall Farms but maybe they changed their tattoos?
Hi John--
Hagen is a big distributer of ferrets in Canada, and has its ferrets
tattooed with a blue-ish H in one ear (the left, I think)-- maybe that's
what you're seeing in both your ferrets.  Also the males get a Y in the
other ear and the females an X, although those tattoos tend to fade more
quickly than the H.  My ferret Amelia, a Hagen ferret (and also deaf!),
still has her H at four years but the X is only visible if you know it's
there to begin with.  Hope this was helpful...
[Posted in FML issue 2485]