RE: Ignorance
>I had to show this to my husband and son, we all just sat there and ROTF...
>I will keep posting, and try to educate these people, as there is an
>obvious need.  yesterday a post got my attention as well, as someone said
>Get Ferrets for your rabbit barn to keep mice away.  YES, I put in my two
>cents worth as well, and stated that a cat makes a better mouse catcher
>then a ferret anyday.
A cat may stay around the barn better and be less prone to predation then
a ferret, but who's the best mouser?  That depends upon the individual
animals involved.  Both animals were used for mousing and the ferret was
used in rabbitting as well.  Both were and are hunters.  That is the reason
they were both domesticated to begin with.
While some animals (cats and ferrets a like) never take an interest in
hunting, one should never under estimate nor laugh off the power of the
hunting instincts that either animal can experience.  Numerous FML posters
throughout the years can attest to the lightning death in the form a ferret
that came to a stray mouse, a guinea pig, or a beloved cockatiel.
I don't advocate keeping ferrets in a barn as mousers, but you should not
dismiss their hunting abilities so quickly. ;)
Our ECE stricken ferrets (knock on wood!), seem to be on the mend.  Even
Squirt, our insulinoma boy, seems to be doing ok.  I want to thank everyone
who was kind enough to send me information, well-wishes, and their prayers!
I'm sure it all helped!! :)
Re: this years winter coats
I'm sure the ECE bout has thrown a monkey-wrench into our fuzz-butt's
winter prep.  Our newest one, Rosie, is, however, going for the Miss Piggy
eating award.  She eats hard.  She sleeps hard.  And occasionally, plays
hard.  The skinny little girl with a thin coat is now really plump and
fuzzy.  She's done all she can to prepare for winter! :D
Re: Miller Lite
I saw the commercial and thought it was awful.  I made a comment to that
fact to my husband and also guessed I probably wouldn't see the commercial
again due to the fact that *ALOT* of people were going to hate it.
Puppies, kittens, and little kids are things that no one likes to see being
mistreated.  You can be sure that David Letterman would have *NEVER*
allowed water to be poured on a puppy in a cage.  Even he's not that dumb.
It's a pity that our ferrets don't share the same status in people's minds
as some of our other furred companions.  Although through the efforts and
hard work of people on and off the FML, perhaps some day they will!
-kim, squirt (turn on the heat, mom!), pippi (I need me a raisin!), atlas
 (stop feeding me already!), 'jinx (Yuck - medicine again!), and rosie
 (the eating machine)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 2485]