Below are my comments that I sent to Ferrets USA.  Though the letter from
the editor bothered me, the two articles I mentiones are more of a concern
to me.
Barnes & Noble finally got in your Annual publication.  I always enjoy it,
as you have many advertisers that we do not see in Modern Ferret.  Your
pictures and layout are very professional and helps give us ferret folks
sometning to be proud of.  Our animals now are recognized enough for a
mainline pet magazine to do a whole magazine about them.  Love the Ferret
Now for my critism, first on the article "Curb Your Ferret" by Fran Pennock
Shaw.  The article is made up of quotes from the folks that sell the
litters.  You never really tell the negative factors of each.  I have seen
better info in the FML Archves.  I just hate these type of articles.  To
top it off she did not mention the BEST litter at all, Stove Pellets.  Yes,
many of us use hardwood stove pellets, 40# for from $3.00 to $5.00.  Some
even have to stockpile them in the winter as they are not available year
round.  We are owned by 10 ferrets and average only 40# a month.  By
scooping it we get a lot of use out of a bag.  In that it turns to sawdust
when wet, we use it in the flower beds, I use it as part of our indoor
plant mixture and you should see my hanging baskets.  You have a 1/2 page
ad by All Pet Pine.  Their litter is basically stove pellets with some
additional things to make it smell good.  Too bad you did not give them a
plug, their product is the best.  The price is somewhat higher than plain
stove pellets.  For pans I just hate those corner litter pans, they drive
some ferrets crazy trying to hit the pan.  Our 10 are in three midwest
36x24x48 cages that have many extra shelves and hammocks.  We get the box
bottoms from 6-packs of Cokes from our local grocery store.  We use them
til they get wet on the bottom, then toss them.
My real problem is with the article on MF by Stacey N.  Hackett.  It was
very much the MF line.  How come no pictures as to where the Jills and kits
are housed!!!!!  Again you did not search the FML Archives to read about
early neutering (3wks) by Technicians and that 10% die during the surgery,
or the fact some shipments are not direct and ferrets die.  I will not go
on as it raises my blood pressure.
I really think you need a Board of ferret folks to run your articles by.
Too, you need to check the FML Archives, as there is a lot there.  I
realize much information there is not true but, it can put you on the
right track.
I hope you have a blow up of the ferret and the chicken from your ferrt
book to look at each time you work on Ferrets USA.
Harry C. Silvis/Zora Mae Silvis                        ^^      ^^^
Kennesaw Graphics                        ()--(a)     /           ^^^
Kennesaw, Georgia                        (@=@=) \   /              \
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                                   The Ten Ferrets of Kennesaw Graphics
[Posted in FML issue 2508]