Sukie, Dr. Judi Bell may be onto something.  I have a menagerie of
fuzzbutts-MF, Unknowns (no marks or tattoos, but altered and decented),
jills and hobs.  I have controlled the lighting on all of my fuzzbutts.  I
have yet had a problem with adrenals and a couple of my older ones are MF
and no health problems as of yet.  (Knock on wood).  My jills are always a
year are more in age before their 1st heat cycle.  That way the jills only
has 1 litter a year.  Less stress on their bodies and I get healthy, large
kits from the litters.  I have also found that less lighting on my hobs,
doesn't stress them out either.  They can actually play together a couple
of months a year, without the vicious fighting.  Their scrotums shrink
almost down to the size of a tack head (with form as a usual scrotum).  I
just received a 6 month old jill and a 5 month old hob.  I will keep her
lighting down to a very minimum until she is over a year old to be bred.
Now the 5 month old hob is another story.  He plays like a kit, but has the
scrotum size of an adult hob in rut.  He can be kinda testy with the other
fuzzbutts when out to play, so I have to watch him or he starts getting
aggressive with my alters and jills.  Sometime he calms down once I say no
Chesty.  I'm not sure of their lighting before I got the 2, but each day
that goes by, Chesty seems to settle down a little more.  I'm hoping it is
because of my lighting and not the 'no' word.  I don't want him going
ballistic next year before he is a year old and in early rut.  I check his
scrotum every day and it has not gotten smaller yet.  Now that this subject
has been brought forward, I wish I had kept a journal.  I would like as
much info that comes out by Dr. Bell as possible.  The more the better.  It
could be a very good way to reduce the instances of adrenal and other
susceptible illnesses.
[Posted in FML issue 2508]