I guess it should have tipped me off when I showed up to see the taping
and the piece was marked "FERRET HOSTAGES" on the clipboard of the people
coordinating the audience members.  (I'm not making that up-it DID say
that!) I was VERY disappointed in how the case was handled.
Jean was not given a chance to state her version of what happened, so
nearly the whole thing was based on the plaintiffs version of the
incident-VERY different from what Jean has described.  Jean was only
allowed to answer very narrow questions the judge asked her, based on
they plaintiffs story.  They made Jean appear foolish and the plaintiff
reasonable.  The plaintiff claimed that her daughter had called nearly
every week, and asked to visit repeatedly but there were schedule
That she had authorized the adrenal surgery and *of course* she intended to
pay for the entire surgery-but Jean never given the opportunity to do so.
Had Jean been provided an opportunity to give her side, the fact that every
major point was in dispute would have been obvious.  The only things that
*didn't* seem to be were the length of time the ferrets were actually
there, and that one had adrenal disease and needed surgery.
There is more, but Jean will probably post, and I don't want to take up
space here with stuff others will say as well.  For those wanting to send a
note to the judge reminding him that he should hear BOTH sides of a story,
the address is:
Judge Mills Lane
Hurricane Entertainment
Chelsea Piers, Pier 62, Suite 317
New York, NY 10017
The show is supposed to air sometime in January, but for me, once was
enough.  I left quite disgusted.  I would not have minded if he had heard
both sides and then ruled in favor of the plaintiff on legal grounds, but
this was just absurd.
-Ilena Ayala=
[Moderator's note: I don't think that ZIPcode is correct -- 10017 is
oh the other side of town.. can some please confirm the address?  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2502]