I'm not sure it this the post everyone is talking about, and I apologize
if someone else has already posted it, but since I've seen a couple of
requests for it, I decided I'd send it along.  I suspect that some may have
had trouble finding it because it is under an odd title - a misprint I'm
sure (it was also the title of a second article).  Please scroll down for
my question (after the URL that I found the article at) at the bottom of
the page.
Ann Landers: Stranger uses what wife neglected
[Moderator's note: That's the one.  I removed the rest of it due to
copyright limitations, however the text is available at the web sites.  BIG]
My question: Jester has 'developed' this very odd V-shaped pattern of hair
loss that begins behind his shoulders and the tip of the V ends on his
back!  It is perfectly symmetrical!  I've noticed this for several weeks.
The guard hairs have just worn away from that pattern, exposing soft
undercoat and that is what causes the V.  Has anyone ever had this happen
with their fuzzies?  He appears to be fine.  He eats and drinks normally,
poops and pees normally and is as playful as always.  He certainly does not
seem to be in any distress.  He just looks like someone into punk rock gave
him a little trim (I told him to stay away from that crowd - next he'll be
hurling himself from the table onto the dogs back thinking it's a 'mosh
Kat & Jester (hey mom, can I dye it green... and get my nose pierced??
K.C. (get the hell off my back you maniac!)
Mia, Mattie and Motorbelly the cats (get us OUT of here and away from him!
He's dangerous!)
Jamison, Patrick and Timothy the rats (hey! we wanna try that!)
Spike & Chestnut the guinea pigs (hey!  we need more parsley over here!)
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[Posted in FML issue 2501]