Dear FML,
I would like to thank everyone who sent email to me in reply to my post
about the "Toxic Food".  It is very much appreciated to know that so many
of you care.
I also got an email saying that the death of my 7 precious babies was my
own fault.  I would like to let it be known to the person who sent me that
email that it would have felt better to put knife into my heart than to
read that message.
For those of you who may have misunderstood my post, the Lab Diet ferret
food that killed my fur-kids WAS labeled as FERRET FOOD, and WAS sold in a
PET STORE as food for PET and BREEDING FERRETS.  There was NO way that I
could have know what would happen.  I'm sorry if my post did not make these
facts clear to everyone.
Thanks again to those of you who sent email to help me!  Please feel free
to send any other info that you may have, or just to tell me what you think
about the whole situation.
Ferret Love & Dooks
Sunshine Ferretry & Shelter
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ICQ #: 16840144
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[Posted in FML issue 2501]