Hi once again,
This is becoming a bit of a regular occurrence <g>.
I just wanted to put my 2 pence worth in connection with the post about
smuggling animals into the UK.
I`m absolutely horrified, everything Kaye mentioned, was spot on.  I
suppose i knew this kind of thing probably does happen, it really threw
me by knowing by admission.  It got me so stirred up i couldn`t stop going
on about it to work colleagues the following day, they were all in total
I remember when i was a kid in the seventies, we had advertisements on the
TV, about rabies.  There was a young family trapped upstairs with a
snarling, frothing rabid dog at the bottom of the stairs.  This gave me
nightmares for months, i wouldn`t even want to contemplate that being a
Keep Britain a rabies free zone!
Jane, Harvey, Katy, Phoebe, Casper & Emil
                             ^. .^
[Moderator's note: I think the conversation is moving a bit too far away
from the ferret here :-)  I expect tomorrow's FML to be light, but let's
try to keep this thread on topic past that please.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2500]