Hi, I'm the one with Little Widget and I wanted to thank everyone for
giving me advice on my baby girl.  She is looking much better and feels to
me like she is putting some weight on but we will find out for sure after
tonight's appointment with Unky Doolan.
My experience with Widget and her weight loss has proven one thing to me,
getting a second opinion can not only help your ferret's health, it can
also save you a lot of money and grief.  When Widget first got sick, the
1st (emergency vet) one I went to said she had taken blood from her toenail
and it was very low so deduced Widget had lymphosarcoma and wanted to
operate.  I had filled out the paperwork to open a credit account with them
and the surgery was set for the next day when my regular vet (trumpets
playing) Dr. Doolan called them and told them not to do the surgery, he
wanted to see her first.  Well, to shorten a very long story, he took blood
and her sugar level had increased and surgery wasn't needed.  (He didn't
take the blood from the toenail and told me that was actually a cruel thing
to do to a ferret).
I will be traveling from Monmouth County NJ to Washington DC the day after
Thanksgiving and wanted to know if Ferrets Across America or anyone else
for that matter, needed a ride for a ferret.  Please let me know, I will
be on my way back on Dec. 5th.
Best wishes to you and yours,
Kym, Oso and "Hey, this is kinda tasty!" Widget
PS I love the Pandora/Easy Off dual, it's fun reading.
[Posted in FML issue 2482]