The advertising issue is nearly ready and will be sent to all subscribers
tonight (Sunday).  Because of its large size (over 2600 lines, or, to put
it into perspecitive, almost twice the size of a usual FML) I expect that
many sites will reject it.  (Once -- and only once -- the daily FML was a
tad over 100,000 bytes and I got about 100 of them back.  The ad issue will
probably run about 110K.  I always keep the FMLs below 100K.  Then again,
JUNO.COM rejects things much smaller than that, but that's another story...)
If your advertising issue is rejected by your email system due to its size,
I will attempt to resend it to you by splitting it into several parts.  I
can't easily send it out this way to all 3000 of you, but 100 or so I can
handle.  I'll do this automatically, but if you still haven't received your
ad issue by Monday night and want one, let me know and I'll try it one more
time.  Some places reject stuff and don't tell me!  (On a day-to-day basis
I deal with that another way, but again, it's different for these unusual
FML issues.)
I'm very sorry the ad issue is coming out so late this time.  It's a
monster of an ad issue and there's been a lot going on around here.  A
couple of advertisers have December 1st deadlines for things -- try to
check it out in the next week!
[Posted in FML issue 2500]