Hi All,
I'm sure that we are up to date on the safety issues of the Holiday Seasons,
but I just wanted to send out this reminder.  It only takes a lack of a
little knowledge to change a fuzzies life forever.  So here goes.
STYROFOAM: Ferrets love to chew styrofoam, and many gifts come packed in
it.  Styrofoam is very dangerous because the fuzzies love to chew it down,
the styrofoam sticks to the dampness in their throats and they could choke
to death, before you know it.  This also goes for bean bags as well.  If
they have a zippered lining......I would sew it permanently shut.
TINSEL: Tinsel is beautiful on a tree, but dangerous to your pets.  Please
do not use this decoration if you have pets or small children in the house.
Tinsel is basically shredded, fine, metal.  Once ingested it goes through
the stomach and intestines like razor wire, inducing internal bleeding and
a painful death.
CHOCOLATE: If you like to put out treats, please either leave the chocolate
in the cupboard or up high.  Chocolate contains ingredients that are deadly
to pets.  Humans and apes are the only creatures that can eat chocolate and
be unaffected.
WRAPPING TUBES: Fuzzies LOOOOVVVE to crawl in these.  But, can become
trapped in the tube and unable to "back out".  There are at least 3 ferret
deaths associated with suffocation, and death concerning these tubes (that
I personally know of).  Do not store these upright.  I remove my wrapping
paper from the tube and just fold it into a rubbermaid box that I keep all
of my decorations in.  I then CUT the tube lengthwise and in 4 inch
sections.  Outside animals like squirrels would also like something to play
with and can rummage through your rubbish.
ALCOHOL: You may not know it, but your fuzzy may have a drinking problem.
Holiday liquors are sweet and very enticing to a fuzzbutt.  My first ferret
Hobs (of course), dove into the egg nog one season.  We were in the other
room and did not hear is drunken rampage, he finally came sauntering out,
covered in egg nog and drunk of his heiney.  That meant a rush to the vets,
and a stomach pump because he had alcohol poisoning.  Ferrets may get a
taste for the drink, and if they do, it takes very little to poison them.
CORRODED BATTERIES: If you have kids (hooman) you have a gaggle of batteries
laying around. Batteries that have been used and become corroded should be
not only thrown away in the trash, but the trash should then be immediately
taken outside. Too tempting are these little dangers. They are small enough
to stash in a hidey hole and cause some real damage.
CANDLES: If you have ferrets and candles you have a job on your hands.
Ferrets just have to go see what that "glowy ting" is.  They will do almost
anything to get up to the lit candle and can cause fires and damage doing
so.  If you light the holiday candles, make sure they are unreachable by
your fuzzy.  For a beautiful holiday affect I've purchased bulldog screws
and decorative chains from the hardware store.  I take a plain pie pan,
paint it or cover the bottom in glitter.  Then punch 3 holes in the rim
of the pan and attach the chain to it.  Screw the bulldog clip into the
ceiling and loop the chain over the hook.  Tada, you have a beautiful and
safe candle display.  Just make sure that the chain is at lease 3 feet from
the ceiling and you keep your wicks trimmed low.  Last but not least, have
you considered baking for your fuzzy?  I make a plum pudding for my deaf
little Boo.  Instead of plums, I use raisins and I soak it in ferretone.
A little cream on top and he is as happy as a clam.  Lets see some pet
recipes on the list, I would love to make something else this season...
That's all for now, Happy Holidays to all
Cherie Schultz.
[Posted in FML issue 2498]