We put a doll's bib on our oldest ferret, Gino, and took him to a pet
Halloween costume contest last Saturday.  He also had a set of baby keys
and a pacifier.  He had a grand time with all of the attention and action
around him.
One lady approached us and asked if we had other pets.  When we told her
we have three cats, she said "Oh!  I've always heard that you can't put
ferrets and cats together because the ferrets will kill them!"
Another question, we brought home a MF silver blaze, Oscar, about three
weeks ago, and he "barks."  When we have something that he wants, he'll make
a short, barking noise, grab at it, and jump backwards.  He also did it the
other day when we had them in the park playing in the leaves and my husband
was tossing leaves at him.  It startled me the first time he did it, and
some times he bites rather hard after barking.  We scruff him and blowing
or hissing in his face seems to help the biting.  The bark is rather cute,
however.  Does anyone else have any experience with this?  I've noticed him
doing this with our other two ferrets as well over the food dish or water
Crystal & David
Gino, Taylor, and Oscar de la Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 2481]