(Jane asked that I post this on her behalf.  I did not do any editing,
just typed it in and fixed my own typos, so it appears here just as she
wrote it.  - Ilena)
Nov 16, 98
To all of the wonderful people who have written and gotten involved in
Tickles behalf -
I am so grateful and so moved by the love and warmth and concern I have
received from so many people - from literally *around the world*, I am
practically speechless.  2 weeks ago when my families troubles began, I
could not have imagined where I would find myself so few days later.  In
the beginning I encountered a blockade-of-buttheads, police and various
officials who chose to view me as some sort of demented female who should
be pushed out of the nearest exit.  Who could possibly imagine that so
many loving, caring, and concerned people lay just behind the blockade?
My eternal gratitude to you all - I cannot say thank you enough.  Especial
thank yous are reserved for Joanne Dreeben - animal rehabilitator without
whose devoted care and help, Tickles body might never have been discovered
and returned to those who loved him most.  She is a *wonderful* person.
And to Ilena Ayala who is an angel living here on earth.  Without her
knowledge and hard work I would never have discovered you kind people
existed.  My faith in human-kind has been restored, thanks to Ilena - and
everyone who has gotten involved.
I'm a very private person who has never gotten particularly involved in
causes.  But the fact of the matter is while you might be able to screw
with me, *nobody* screws with my kids- or our beloved animals.
I'll work 'til I can't work any longer to bring this matter to the
attention of every ferret-lover, pet owner, and concerned citizen I can
get ahold of.  Gods willing, I can change the way things get done.
Thank you, Thank you
Thank you
Jane Wright
In memory of Tickles - who we always called "King of the ferrets".
Long live the King.
[Posted in FML issue 2497]