Monkey on HER back:
My darling little Monkey.... She's absolutely the most beloved little girl.
Her clue to me she wants to play is when she rolls onto her back and paws
up at me.  If I pay no attention then she'll get up and come a little
closer so she can actually paw at me.  I think she learned this because I
always say I'm going to get her belly, and now she has made the connection
between that and playing.
Curing a biter:
Taz used to be a biter.  I don't know if he just grew out of it (like other
animals do when they're not longer "babies") or if constant TLC cured him.
He was by far a more frequent and harder biter that Monkey.  I would have
to pry his jaws open to get my finger back (did he think it was his or
what????  I think he did).  I was always consistent with him.  First came
the NO!!!!  Then EASY!!!!  with a scruffing.  Then time out.  After each
step if he was good and stopped with the behavior, then I would stop with
that step and offer him hugs and kisses for being a good boy.  I used to
consistently have to put him in back to back time out.  When he learned he
could get out of time out with kisses was not fun though.  It was like he
discovered he could fake me out thinking he was sorry for bitting me and
turn around and launch a full forcd attack.  He spent a couple of nights in
his cage alone for that behavior (my kids usually have free roam, so his
being teased by Monkey really got him).
The torture continues:
I'm sure (I think) a lot of the torture inflicted upon Monkey at the fangs
of Taz is the direct result of their age difference.  Monkey is almost a
year (11/3/97) and Taz is 4 months (6/8/98).  My question is, HOW MUCH
LONGER IS TAZ GOING TO BE SUCH A SPAZ???  He never sleeps.  Therefore he
figures why should she.  My precious is going crazy, how can I help?
                        - ANONYMOUS
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[Posted in FML issue 2464]