We're leaving tomorrow morning for the Chicago show... Hope to see some of
you there!  Say hi to us.  Diane is judging the specialites, I'm judging
one of the championship rings but we hope to have enough time to talk.  We
aren't bringing any ferrets this time.
On that silly controversy... Kits aren't smelly and bitey at 6 to 10 weeks.
Marshall's ferrets seem to be normally less bitey than other breeders.
While we run a shelter, we also don't think there is any reason folks can't
get ferrets from whereever they choose to.  We always recommend shelters
and breeders but that isn't the same as whining about it.  Some shelter
operators have so bragged on their abilities that people are mistakenly
given the impression that shelter directors are willing to "play" vet and
are even more knowledgeable than vets.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2463]