* * * Disclaimer: If you do not like/do not have time to read ferret-speak,
you will not "miss out" on anything in this post.  This is intended as
entertainment only and is not meant to inform/misinform/fail to inform
those who do/do not read it for whatever reason.  * * *
                        "WHEW!!!"  :-)
Dis is da Dodge-boy!!
Firs, me wannsa fank fank fank all o' da tuper-nice hoomans whos knowses
dat da Dodge is jus a sillee dooker-boy who don' wans nobodee ta fink dat
he gots nuffin portant ta say bout nunna dat med'cal stuffses... me's jus
heer habbin good times wif alla da hoomans n fuzzies whos gotsas times ta
cyfer my goofees writins!!
Now dat we gotses alla da d'sclaimer stuffins outta da way in wordses dat
ebberybudy can unnerstan, me gotsa say HEY to da pecial niceses hoomans n
fuzzies dat wroted me n momma personal-like.  Yous guyses is summa da
besses fokses n we habbin not good times, but GWEAT timeses, hearins frum
Momma readses da letters ta me n da girls n we dook-dook roun' n roun' da
free-tory cage!!
HEY!!  Dat a'bino girl dat wote to da FML wuz frum da Pietinkiebill Gang!!
Me wubbs it wen dey wites cuz da Dodge can unnerstan dem!!  heehee Dey
awways gots some cwayzee fings a say n me finks deys good peoples.
>Tasslehoff, Jasla, Silk, and Sprite:  Boy, we're sure gwad we don't
>havta worry bout huwricanes Mom!  Wait a minute, whaattsss, daaattttt
>shaaaakkkiingg!!!!  :::::-----)))))
Now, DAT is funnee!!!!  Mes don's care wut langgage tumbuddy peeks, DAT wuz
wrotted ob'beeuslee by wunna dose CaCa fuzzies n da Dodge's hat is off ta
dose guys cuz dey libs dair ho wife (d'oh!!  ;-> ) unnercubber.  <tahree -
not twyta 'fenns nobodees wifeses dair - heehee>
Sinces dis is da firs day dat me is backs to da FML in long times....
mmmm....'bous a week n dats long times wen #1) we is dictted ta da FML &
#2) momma gossa catches me n da girlses up on whass beened happenin so's
she's gossa weed ebberyday postes for fibe dayses!!  Momma says dat it
makeses her eyeses buggy!  (( 0_0 ))
Durrin da hurrycane me n momma n da girlses n da lil' hooman mooveded ta a
hoe-tel.  Turneded out dat da hurrycane trickeded ebberybudy n 'cided not
ta go da way dat he was po'ssa go or sumfin wike dat.  ANYWAY... now we is
all wivvin wis gwamma cuz we wannsa fine a new house wair me n da girlses
can habbed our own woom ta wun n dook n dance n sweep da days away!
Momma gonna gets jobs beein a pleece offcer now dat she outta skool n she
tolded me n da girls n da lil' hooman dat she probbly gonna be werkin sum
cwayzee timeses so we neededed a woom dat we can go in n outta da cages
wiffout momma haffa wet us in n out, in n out, in n out...
But, o boy, me GOSSA tell da fuzzies out dair wut da Dodge has beened
dooin' at gwammas house!!!!!!!  Momma takeses me n da girlses out on wut
momma calls da wuh-nye.  Me don's no why dey callses it dat cuz alls it is
is a woom wif deese walls dat habs baby hoes in it dat you can see froo.
Dexter putted her nose in da air cuz she saided dat she was sniffin fings
dat she ain' nebber sniffed a'fore.  Momma said da Dex was sniffin da
bweeze n da gwass but da Dodge did sumfin eben better dan sniffins!!
      - - - - to be continued - - - -  [two posts combined. BIG]
Da Dodge was a-DIGGIN!!!
Gwamma haded alla deese pwants out on da wuh-nye pwace in deese pwetty
pots n 'tuff.  Momma putted dem up weal hi on a table n tolded me n da
girls dat we can' pway wif dem.
Well, you guyses, you no's da Dodge n you no's dat me don gots no in'res
in pwayin wifs da pwants, me dus' wansa p w a y w i f d a D I R T ! !  Me
figgered out a way to get to da pwetty pots n me tarted a-diggin n a-diggin
n a-diggin!!  Me wuz diggin fass n f'rocious-like cuz me wann'ed momma ta
see wut a good jobs me wuz doins n me wanned a be dunned 'fore momma gotted
backs frum goin's inna da house!!  Me gonna PURPRISE MOMMA!  "Purprise!!!!"
me said wen momma walkeded outta da house... Momma saided - an me gonna twy
ta immtate momma heer - "Oh, no, Dodger!!  What are you DOOO-ing?!?!?"
Momma ebben did dat winey-fing on de enda her werds dat da Dodge ain'
figgered out hows ta rite on da puter yet.
See?  Me toaded you momma gonna be purprised.
DEN... wen momma putted me down on da floor 'gain, me feeleded sumfing moob
da Dodges hairses a'roun n wen me turneded, dair wuzzen nuffin dair!!!!!
Me wooked n wooked n den me felted it a GAIN!  Me putted my paw up n hitted
at dat fing dat me cudden see but it dus makeded da hair on my paw mooveded
too!!!  Momma was makin dat "HA HA HA" soun - see wuz laffin at me.  See
saided dat me was hittin da WIND.  HA!  Da Dodge does NOT hit at da silly
Pssst... fuzzies.....wut is da wind????  Don' tell momma dat I axed you, k?
Happy Dook-Dooks n Lovies n Huggies n Kissies n Good Vibses to ALL of da
fuzzies an da hoomans, too - ebben da wuns who don wikes it wen da Dodge
wites.  Ebberybudy needs wuv n maybe dose hoomans dus needs a wittle bits
more so me sens 'em ((((((((((((huggies))))))))))))))).
Til nex time ! !   Me lubbs you guys!!
                Dodger     >^v^<-,-----------,'''''''''
        -------,------'-<O    xo xo xo xo   O>-,------'--------
Da Dodge sendses extras specials kissies n huggies ta da hoomans whos
losted dair fuzzies hoo goneded to da bridge.  'Member, hoomans, dey ain'
losted - dey no's rite wair deys are n deys waitin' for yous to bissit dem
one day so's dat alla dair family can plays a'gain n hab good timeses fer
[Posted in FML issue 2449]