A few months ago, Saigon went in for exploratory surgery.  To everyone's
horror, Saigon had an enlarges RIGHT adrenal gland.  The veterinarian
closed him up afrade to remove the gland.
Saigon was naked (no hair ) and I was feeling so sorry for him.  I started
him on Drenamin (which lots of shelters use).  Drenamin wasn't available in
Canada, so a lovely lady sent me some from the US.
The Drenamin worked wonders and after only 1 week, Saigon started to grow
his hair back!  The veterinarians and shelter moms I have spoken to have
all said that there is no proof the Drenamin shrinks the tumors, only that
it grows the hair back and reduces other symptoms.
Well, now there is proof.  The University of Guelph hired a soft tissue
specialist to perform Saigon's surgery.  Dr. Taylor was the attending
surgeon who also performed Saigon's exploratory.  Dr. T came into the
waiting room only 1/2 hour after the surgery started and I got scared.
He told me that he thinks the Drenamin actually works in reducing the size
of the affected gland!  I thought this was great news and just wanted to
share this with all of you!
The Ferret Aid Society
[Posted in FML issue 2463]