Not necessarily meaning to flame on anyone, just voicing a sincere feeling
of bewilderment!
If hitting fuzzies so hard it SCARES THE PISS OUT OF THEM literally isn't
abuse, then what is?  After reading a further attempt at explaining the
situation I sill must ask: WHY was the pissed scared out of him?  I have
never known (not saying it isn't entirely possible) any animal to have the
piss scared out of it by a loud voice from someone it knows.  I don't know
that the language barrier is the problem or not.  My concern is for WHAT IT
IS THAT SCARED THE PISS OUT OF HIM?????  It is a natural response observed
throughout nature that when the stress response is set off and we/animals
go into FIGHT OR FLIGHT, we sometimes urinate/deficate.  Study anatomy and
physiology sometime.
As a side note: WHY IS HE THE STUPID ONE?  He had no control, as this
appears to have been a response similar to those we have called REFLEXES!!
Lastly, was it really necessary to print the whole email from Mrs X with
line by line commentary?  (Forgive my need to do the same by cc this to
the FML)
LilLoneWolfe (I'm done now) & The Fuzzie Carpet Cruiser:  Monkey (Whew)
Taz (Thank  The Gods/Godesses)
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[Posted in FML issue 2462]