When I read this post, I could not help but think no wonder we have so much
predjudice against each other.  To think that you could hold the origin of
birth against a little kit.  To have something against the place that
produces them is fine.  To get so angry at someone who refuses to get the
point even though you have tried to educate them is fine.  To vent is fine,
it keeps one from high blood pressure, but to call an innocent kit smelly,
bitey, whiney not litter box trained is irrational.  Like the poor kit
could help where it is born, what it's lineage is , how it is trained and
the fact that it whines for a mother that human hands have taken it away
from too soon.  Not to mention hurting the feelings of those on this list
who own and love one of those so indelicately described above.  The person
who wrote this cannot be looking to make any friends.  It sounds as though
they were either really angry that the person did not take one of theirs,
or the daily emotional burden of running a shelter is taking a toll and
perhaps they should take a breather.
[Posted in FML issue 2462]