Baldrick now has the run of the house, except for a couple rooms.  One of
the blockades we're using -- a moderately heavy slab -- was just sort of
wedged up against the entryway to a forbidden zone, and, stupidly, we
didn't test it for stability.  Baldrick was trying to climb over it, and he
managed to dislodge one end, and it fell back on top of him.  He bolted
into the bedroom, emitting a horrifying screeching sound I hope I never
hear again.  Luckily, he was uninjured, but it scared the heck out of him
and was probably the first time he had experienced pain.  It could have
been a tragedy, and we would never have forgiven ourselves if he had been
harmed because of our thoughtlessness.  That's a lesson we learned the hard
way: always secure those barricades firmly!
At first, Baldrick was so excited about being able to run around more
freely, that he forgot everything he had learned about litter boxes.  He
changed his "arrangements" around slightly, but now everything is
proceeding normally.  Surprisingly, he seems willing to run back to the
bathroom to use his litter box even if nature calls when he's clear at the
other end of the house!  He never ceases to amaze us.
As for nipping: is it really important to try to get kits to stop nipping
completely, or do ferrets just tend to outgrow the habit?  Baldrick does
tend to nip, usually while playing, and it seems he's doing it
affectionately.  For about a week I tried scruffing and bellowing -- and
really, he doesn't nip hard anymore -- but I've found simply talking softly
to him and kissing him on the face a lot works just as well (which is, not
very).  If this is allowing him to form bad habits which will remain with
him into adulthood, I will redouble my efforts.  But if it's simply kit
behavior that he'll grow out of, I'd rather put up with it than make things
unpleasant for him.
+ Baldrick (who is very amused by the way I hobble around after spraining
my knee)
Salt Lake City, UT
[Posted in FML issue 2449]