On Thursday, October 15th at 9:00AM, James Arthur Melton is scheduled to
appear in Brookline District Court for a hearing.
Originally, we were told that his next hearing was scheduled for October
30th, but that has now changed.
Mass Ferret Friends has provided the Brookline Police Detective in charge
of this case with the information on ferrets that was requested.
The Brookline Tab original writer, Jim Walker was contacted today and will
be at the hearing.  If anyone would like to contact the Brookline Tab to
express your outrage on this case, you can e-mail Mr. Walker directly.  If
you choose to do this, please do this ASAP.  YOU MUST include the following
in your e- mail in order to get it published.  If you DO NOT, it will not
be published:
Your full name, anddress, city, town, zip code and phone number.
Mr. Walker's e-mail address is:  [log in to unmask]
For America Online customers, I believe you can view the Brookline Tab
through Keyword: town online - Brookline
You will be updated as soon as we hear.
Sharon Burbine,
Mass Ferret Friends
[Posted in FML issue 2462]