Following my request of advice about Igor's behaviour I received several
direct e- mails: all very nices, and one not so nice..
I answered directly to all of them, but here is my answer to that person
Dear Mrs.xxxxxxx
let me thank you first for answering my request of explanation for
understanding what can have caused that sudden biting of Igor; perhaps the
fact that I'm not writing in my mother language gave you a wrong impression
on what really happened.  So I'll try to be more clear because I absolutely
reject the idea of being an animal abuser.  I was and I am quite often
accused of excess in love for animals from otherwise nice persons that
cannot understand completly how you can be involved with them.
I had to grab his throat because there was no way to convince him to open
his mouth that was absolutely firmly stuck to my flesh, and insisting on
that: in no way it was an attempt to choke him; it probably was not the
best idea, but it was the only one in that moment of (my) pain.  I'm
perfectly conscious of the damages that can result to anybody by the use of
the force, so be reassured that it was not done with rage but with the only
objective of opening his mouth without hurting him.  I knew Pamela Greene's
suggestion on how to use your finger to open a mouth, warning against the
risk of possible damages forcing it.
You said that there is always a reason, but the fact is that THERE WAS NOT
REASON AT ALL !  They were quietly in the cage, they went near the front,
as usual, when I approached and when I introduced my hand, as I usually do
several time a day for caressing them, I was viciously biten.
As I clearly said I have Igor since 5 months and it seemed to me clear
enough what I said about how much he, and Orietta, are cared and loved;
most of all I also said that since the beginnig he was so sweet and never
biting, sometimes nipping lightly but this was never a problem; that's why
I felt so frustrated when he bited me in that vicious way: it was not usual
or expectable by such a dear ferret.  Just a detail: I use to carry him
around the city with me in a kind of rucksack for small animals (on my
chest) and we spend many hours that way (alternating him with Orietta, two
toghether are too much); I'm very happy when people stops me asking what
animal he is and I explain them what is a ferret, trying to contribute to
enhance the ferret's culture that is until now almost non existing here.
I know that is impossible, but I would really like you to talk to my vet,
that comes in my house for vaccinations, and that knows perfectly, and
could witness, how my ferrets are cared and loved.
I cannot anyhow understand how you have got the impression that I was proud
when he made some shot of piss; believe me, it is exactly the opposite.  Of
course I scared him with my voice, not with the spanks that were no more
than little hits on his back, and that is what I meant when I said that I
didn't hurt him.  I probably misused the word "severe": it was referred to
my attitude, not to the strength.  He did not scream at all; believe it or
not (I'm not used to say lies) before putting him in the cage I kissed him
on the head saying to him "You, little stupid..."
Then I also said that after a while I was there playing with him, and that
he was nice as usual (that's why I asked advice about his previous
behaviour): do you really think that if I had mistreated him he would have
accepted to come out from the cage walking on my arm till the shoulder and
then war-dancing with me on the floor making his usual chuckling ?
In my opinion your message is too emotional, as you were insulting me and
considering me as the criminal that killed those poor two ferrets, without
knowing me, only on the ground of my (possibly not very well expressed)
report of a fact and of the scolding that followed it.
The only positive thing is that you showed to be a person that cares very
much for animals, as I am.
That's all. Any comment ?
[Posted in FML issue 2461]