About 3 weeks ago I sent to the FML a notice that was on rec.pets.ferrets
from a photographer looking for ferrets to take pictures of for a new
ferret book.  I also included my email to him warning about misleading
pictures and how they can harm the ferret community.  Here is his response:
--On Tue, Oct 13, 1998 9:55 AM -0400 [log in to unmask] wrote:
>Thanks for your input - as the photographer only, I have absolutely no
>control over how pictures are used, but I do count on some help from a
>local rescue group here to guide me into what to shoot.... they have
>provided valuable insights, so I don't worry too much about "bad press"
>from any of the pictures I take.... after all, if the publisher doesn't
>have potentially misleading pictures to start with, they can't use or
>mis-use them :-)
>Peace & Joy,
>Eric Ilasenko, Photographer
Linda Iroff
Raisin Retreat Ferret Shelter
Oberlin, OH
[Posted in FML issue 2461]