Scott and Matthew raised some very viable solutions that will most
assuredly curb Angels natural instinct to dig and Suzanne G. is correct on
the health issue of maintaining important muscle mass.  I am the Director
of Community Awareness for the Brevard Ferret Lovers Rescue Inc. here in
FL. and my position gives me the opportunity to meet some very knowledgeable
veterinarians who treat ferrets whether it be the director of, small animal
medicine at a university or a ferret specific private practice.  When the
issue of de-clawing a ferret is raised these doctors have recanted the
procedure back to me as if though they were reading it from a text book and
when asked for their personal opinion is on the subject their response was
the same,"I wouldn't do it to my ferret." I don't want to drop names here
it's not pertinant but a very close dear friend who is world renowned for
ferret medicine was asked,"Have you ever de-clawed a ferret in your
clinic?" the response was, "Yes BUT, I tried to talk the client out of it.
I told her that all animals with claws will dig and that perhaps she may
want to consider purchasing a pet such as a fish." My friend even went so
far as to try to talk this client into placing her ferret into a home where
good manners were not a prerequisite to be loved.  The client insisted
that she was keeping her ferret and she was going to find a Dr. who would
perform the procedure.  My friend has seen crippled ferrets who could
hardly stand let alone walk due to a botched de-clawing surgery.  You see
not all Vets are motivated by ethics, some are far more concerned with the
money factors and surgery (any surgery necessary or unnecessary) spells BIG
money for some vets.  My friend sadly and begrudgingly gave in to this
clients wishes knowing that if it had to be done that it would be done with
the utmost care possible.  Unfortunately our pets are nothing more than
possessions with little or no rights here in the United States.
Before you decide try the following.  Purchase a small litter pan, drill or
melt with a small heated nail (use a pot holder to protect you fingers) 2
holes (4 in all) catty-cornered from each other.  Now center the smaller
pan in the middle of a large cat litter pan, mark the position of the holes
with a marker, drill or melt the holes in the bigger pan, now using
ordinary bread ties or tie wraps secure the 2 pans together (this will stop
the fuzzies from tipping the inner pan).  Put sand in the smaller one and
place them in the spot where Angel digs.  For added protection you may want
to put an ordinary Welcome mat (the kind without the rubber backing)
beneath the box.
When it is time for we humans to cross the Rainbow Bridge wouldn't it be
nice to see your babies running to you rather than waddling to you.  I
personally feel that whatever mistakes we make here will be answered for in
the here after.
I trust that you will make a decision that not only Angel can live with
but, that you can live with as well Hon.  God Bless you Jen, Angel and dear
sweet Vinyl.
Marie E. Wallace
PS-One of the openings for the FL celebration invitation has been taken
leaving one opening for a party of 6.
[Posted in FML issue 2461]