Great,I have a mustelidea in my lap.Cats seem to have one of two reactions
to ferrets.They either hiss,growl and run the other way,or they are curious.
From experience the curious cats are the easiest to integrate.I wouldn't
worry about your ferret,I'd worry about the cat more.Outside cat or not
they do recognize a fellow predator,and show respect,usually.Just watch
them together for a while,make sure you supervise all playtimes.
Jasmine will be in surgery as you read this,so send good thoughts.I'm the
typical nervous mom,I just keep reminding myself it's for her own good.The
last ferret I took in for a simple surgery,not invasive,had all 4 feet
planted on the bridge before they brought him back.The old fart is stll
stealing raisins,and begging cheerios.Jasmine has one of those plastic
balls and she loves it.Her's was stolen from my grandson,and only has one
opening.If Taz turns her upside down,she has nothing to push on to get
out,though I'm sure she'd find a way.I just never wait for her to find
it.She loves spinning in it,but not the dizzy afterwards.
Valentine(Where's Jazz?)
Jasmine(Hey,try some of that gas.woohoo.)
Taz(Where's my Jazz toy?)
Changing things one starfish at a time.
[Posted in FML issue 2461]