There have been many posts over the last couple of days dealing with issues
which could broadly be defined as political activism and animal rights.
And, for the most part, I've accepted these posts in light of the recent
problems in Massachusetts and similar recent issues.  Though...
First and foremost this is a list about all issues having to do with
ferrets, and political activism posts usually aren't specific enough to be
posted regularly.  But this list also is about "making a difference."  In
fact, the FML makes a difference every day, and will continue to do so.
We all help to make a difference in whichever ways we can.  Some of us
write behind the scenes, some of us post to the FML, some of us are
politically active.  Most of us learn all we can and make a difference to
our one or two ferrets.  So in view of that, I felt a few reminders about
how we can help to make a difference were in order, though such posts can't
make up the bulk of the FML.
Thank you all for making a difference by being here.
[Posted in FML issue 2461]